A strategy to elevate one’s own work.
A strategy to avoid change and to save one’s own job.

Is it a good strategy?
I don’t know. It depends on your goals.

Does it work as a strategy? Hell yeah!
Will it help to push things forward in general?
Sometimes. But most of the time it won’t.
Most of the time it just kills creativity and innovation at its roots.

Look. Creativity and innovation is an iterative process.
Nothing or no one is perfect at anything right away.
And pointing out other people’s weaknesses over and over again won’t help nobody. In most cases.

All it does is that it chokes creativity until there’s no oxygen left for creativity. For innovation.
That’s why so many large corporations are struggling with innovation.
Because there’s constant choking going on everywhere.

And the only person who’s going to benefit from criticizing everyone and everything is the person who’s criticizing everyone and everything…

>>> Yann Girard 2015