The following video shows the first three minutes of an actual DDoS attack on a company's Transmission Control Protocol Synchronize (TCP SYN) authentication.

This type of attack is usually used to overwhelm a server's available TCP connections with phony requests.

11th March 2015 was the first time I came across the concept of 'mo-cap' or motion capture.

WIP draft - currently being researched ...

How to write a Working Parent Resume

I have helped raise three children. Nothing I’ve done in life - working over a 40 + year period has taught me as much about systems, leadership, discipline as raising those kids. Here are a few things I'd add to my resume if I were entering the job market tomorrow:


Belittling other people is a strategy.
Criticizing other people is a strategy.
Pointing out other people’s weaknesses is a strategy.

Ideas come from conversations with real people.
They don’t come from watching Netflix.

Ideas come from reading meaningful books.
Ideas come from building on top of other ideas.
They don’t come from dreaming about „what if.“

I am really pleased that my colleague has started to develop material to develop his online presence.  See what you think.

Match Fit Ireland from Paul Clarke on Vimeo.


Virtual reality is all about the creation of a virtual world that users can interact with.

Augmented reality is the blending of virtual reality and real life, as developers can create images within applications that blend in with contents in the real world. 


Web content management is at the most significant inflection point in its 15-year history. It’s now all about the context.


  • 23 October 2015
  • From the sectionHealth